Expert Witness Report – Disrepair Case
De Vos Consultancy Ltd specialises in undertaking expert witness inspection and reports for disrepair cases. This case related to a persistent case of water ingress through stonework detailing and the solid brickwork to the front and side façade of a gothic style Victorian apartment block above commercial units.
Some works had already been undertaken by the Landlord, but had failed to remedy the problem, causing damaging to plasterwork, decorations and furnishings within the flat, and inconvenience and distress to the resident.
Expert Witness Report – Disrepair Case
This case relates to the damage caused through a persistent, long term, pinhole leak to the supply service to the bathroom in the flat above. The ceiling and walls of bathroom and bedroom of the ground floor flat had become saturated and the ceilings were supporting fungal growths.
Expert Witness Report – Disrepair Case
Some Expert Witness cases require consideration of the actual cause of the disrepair in evidence. In this case, whilst some of the water damage to finishes and decorations were caused by the ingress of water from individual and communal defective and leaking waste pipework serving the rear elevation, other causes of water damage were apparent, including a leaking w.c., which had caused the timber floating floor to the bathroom to decay.