Residential Party Wall
De Vos Consultancy Ltd undertakes the service of Notices and prepares Award under the Party Wall etc Act 1996.
Occasionally, building owners do not understand that to commence with works, which fall within the scope of the Party Wall etc Act 1996, is unlawful, and fail to serve the appropriate notices or appoint a Party wall Surveyor to assist them.
In this case, the adjoining owner was very concerned about the adjoining owner’s excavation for foundations without any reference to the Party Wall etc, Act 1996. As a result, De Vos Consultancy Ltd was asked to speak with the contractor, and explained that the works undertaken were unlawful and could be subject to an injunction by the adjoining owner to stop the works.
Fortunately, the contractor obliged, and the trench was backfilled, and no further works were undertaken until the appropriate notices were served, and the Award prepared by De Vos Consultancy Ltd was in place.